So, dear readers, as promised, in the second part of our story, we will highlight some aspects of the “internal kitchen” of the main anti-corruption body of modern Ukraine.
The National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine was established on April 16, 2015 with the status of a state law enforcement agency with broad powers. Indeed, recalling the flourishing of corruption that began since independence – the functioning of the victorious institution was extremely necessary, first of all, due to the increase of trust on the part of Western partners and, of course, in order to implement its main function – the fight against corruption.
Therefore, NABU should have become an ideal “punishing sword” for all those who did not understand that the times of “the late Kuchma, Yanukovych” have passed into history and it will no longer be possible to calmly earn billions from schemes, kickbacks and the like. Of course, this did not cause joy among “sinful” businessmen and civil servants, and intense pressure on the anti-corruption body began, which, in principle, we are observing even now.
In order to amortize this opposition, NABU had to work crystal clear. Exclusively on the basis of current legislation and, most importantly, only qualified employees with an ideal track record should be in the ranks of the institution. It should be noted that thanks to the principled position of the supervisory board and the management of the body, it was possible to accomplish this task. Yes, it is logical to assume that it is impossible to recruit a qualified staff in a few years, and even without each of them having their own “history” – it is impossible in principle, because the lack of personnel is a constant problem at the state level. And accordingly, this endangers the image of the entire institution, raises doubts about impartiality in the investigation of high-profile crimes. On the example of the stories of some of the employees, we will prove to you that the personnel problem does exist and is gaining an alarming scale.
So, the first “hero” of this part of the story becomes: the senior detective of the 2nd division of detectives – Ruslan Magomedrasulov.
At first glance, he is a balanced, calm, educated man who managed to make a great career in a short period of time. He was born and grew up in the Donetsk region, received a good education, and in 2005 he registered as an individual entrepreneur (22660000000007585). The main activity of the entrepreneur was trade in fruits, vegetables, including potatoes. Yes, times change, of course, there is a desire to live better – and in 2014, the future detective decides to radically change the direction of work, closes the potato trading company and in 2015 joins the ranks of the anti-corruption law enforcement agency. After analyzing the detective’s declarations, we can perfectly understand his motives. So, at the beginning of the service, he declares: (year 2015) – an apartment in the city of Kramatorsk, Donetsk region, a “Zhila” car, worth 91,117 hryvnias, a salary in the amount of 53,963 hryvnias, and – he lends someone 25,000 US dollars. That is, at the beginning of his career, the fortune of a detective can be estimated at approximately 49,000 US dollars at the NBU exchange rate for 2015. Next, of course, the financial situation grows – there is an opportunity to buy a relatively new car for 495,724 hryvnias, to lend someone already 46,000 dollars, to receive a gift for 262,000 hryvnias, and to become the owner of ½ an apartment, worth 664,825 hryvnias. At first glance, an average citizen with a salary at 10,000 hryvnias per month – the numbers are insane and one can only envy the detective, but we do not see a particular problem in this – NABU has good salaries, as it should be. Yes, and we have no special complaints about the detective and his career rise, although we have some information, but it needs to be checked.
However, we have a question about one of the family members, namely, the father (or his full namesake) – Magomedrasulov Sentyabr Navruzbenovich, and rather even about the results of his entrepreneurial activity.
According to data from open sources, the full namesake of the detective’s father – Sentyabr Navruzbenovich – is a respectable person, known among entrepreneurs, both in the Donetsk region and in Ukraine as a whole. In particular, through direct or indirect ownership of such enterprises as PE “Rationalizer”, LLC “Multifruit”, LLC “Donprominstrument” and some others. The main activity of a number of these enterprises is participation in tender procedures. Mainly, among state-owned enterprises for the purchase of industrial equipment, construction services and design documentation development services. The main business “locomotive” of the family is, after all, the private enterprise “Rationalizer”, which recently took part in tender purchases for the production of technical documentation for the construction of medical clinics in the Sumy and Chernihiv regions, as well as for the reconstruction of a monument in the Obukhiv district , Kyiv region.
And here is the interesting thing.
The results of the work of a private enterprise are:
In the Chernihiv region – the conclusion of the Accounting Chamber of Ukraine (No. 18-3489) dated December 24, 2019, according to which the medical clinics were not built due to direct, conscious actions of the construction participants, including the well-known “Rationalizer”;
In the Sumy region – according to the materials of criminal proceedings 22018200000000143 dated 21.12.2018, opened under articles: 366, 367, part 5 191 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine – medical clinics have not been built, and the amount of damage caused to the state is estimated at 1780159 hryvnias. And again, the well-known “Rationalizer” appears in the materials.
Regarding the reconstruction of the monument in Obukhiv district, we hope that this project ended without a crime, but we are not sure.
However, we have sent appropriate requests for all the mentioned episodes, and quite soon we will receive an answer to the question of whether the father (or his full namesake) of the respected senior detective of the NABU was involved in the theft of state property, which prevented the construction of medical clinics in two regions, and, most importantly, whether the son does not cover the father, using his official position.
In confirmation of the above, we provide the relevant documents for perusal. What is particularly interesting in this story is the efforts of those involved in the case to hand it over for further investigation, where do you think? Yes, that’s right – in NABU.

And then it will be..