Welcome to NFL All Day, the destination for exclusive collectible digital videos showcasing the NFL’s most memorable games. As an enthusiast, you’ll have the opportunity to collect and share iconic NFL moments past and present.
Similar to the success of NBA Top Shot , one of NFL All Day’s main attractions in the NFT space is its ability to attract collectors in a way similar to the long-standing popularity of physical trading cards. Thanks to the perfect combination of technology and nostalgia, NFL All Day offers a unique experience for sports fans and collectors.
In this article, we’ll provide an overview of important information to help you get started on your NFL All Day journey.
What is NFL All Day?
As part of the successful FLOW blockchain, NFL All Day gives fans the opportunity to express their passion for the NFL by purchasing collectible digital video NFTs or Moments. Let’s see how it works:
NFL ALL DAY Moments are collectible digital videos that showcase the NFL’s greatest moments. Each moment captures an incredible game or performance with rich information and visual detail about the game and the featured player. Snaps are officially licensed by the NFL.
In NFL ALL DAY Moments are categorized by rarity level with the number of each Moment. Each selection belongs to a certain level, which makes it possible to understand the availability of this particular moment. The serial number associated with your Moment shows the exact edition you own out of the total number in circulation.
Similar to traditional collectibles and trading cards, NFL ALL DAY Moments are available to fans in uniform sets . When you receive the package, the contents remain a secret. However, the highlights included are usually selected from a pre-defined list of players and highlights that are specific to the set you are purchasing.
Similar to in-demand sneaker releases or exclusive designer items, NFL ALL DAY pack giveaways are scheduled events where packs become available for sale. Fans are informed of each drop in advance, allowing them to prepare accordingly.
Fans can usually enter the waiting room an hour before the kick-off. Once the event starts, participants in the waiting room are assigned a randomized place in the queue. If your seat comes up before the packages are sold, you can buy it.
How to buy NFL All Day NFT
Their trading platform serves as a platform to expand your Moments collection. This always-on peer-to-peer hub allows NFL fans ALL DAY to buy and sell snaps directly to each other. It’s important to note that every Moment on the market is being offered by a fellow collector, not NFL ALL DAY.
Market View gives you complete control over the Moments you wish to purchase. You can handpick specific moments so your collection reflects your preferences and favorite NFL stars.
As you explore the market, you’ll find numerous deals on Moments featuring the NFL’s top talent. With an ever-changing selection, the market offers collectors a dynamic and exciting way to discover exceptional moments at very competitive prices.
What to expect from NFL All Day
All of the NFL ALL DAY collectibles are part of a set, with many belonging to one of three main sets: Base (Common), Locked In (Rare), and Iconic (Legendary). However, some collectibles are designated as special sets.
This distinction separates them from other collectibles due to the unique qualities of the items presented. For example, Afterburners is a rare special edition that exhibits exceptional speed. At the same time, Hoodwinked is a legendary set that highlights the best tricks.
While most Moments contain a single NFL highlight, there are times when a collectible will contain a collection of multiple games. These compilations can be individual to each player, such as a compilation containing meltdown videos of all the sacks made by a player in a single game.
They can also be team-oriented, like a collectible that showcases a series of outstanding plays in the final two minutes of a game. These merged videos combine exciting moments to create an even better collector’s item.

Task offer an exciting way to use your collection for exciting rewards. While each Challenge may be slightly different, the basic concept involves accumulating and owning certain Moments to earn valuable prizes, including exclusive reward packs.
To participate in the competition, send a complete application for the competition, indicating the necessary points. Successfully completing the challenge earns you Playbook yards, which serve as a measure of your progress. As you accumulate yards, you’ll be eligible to earn a variety of rewards, adding even more excitement to your NFL ALL DAY experience.
NFL All Day has become the premier destination for NFL enthusiasts and collectors. The impressive growth of the platform is evident from its latest figures, with more than 92,000 transactions in the last 7 days, according to DappRadar and the trading volume for the same period was 72,000 USD.
As NFL All Day continues to gain momentum, it sets the stage for even more great opportunities for fans to play in their favorite NFL moments. As such, it bridges the gap between the excitement of gaming and the world of NFT collectibles.