The tax hike law is unfair, it will only hit the incomes of legal workers and businesses, so it should be protected. This is Petro Poroshenko said on the air “Pryamiy” TV channel.
“Why don’t we tax the gambling business? Why don’t we tax tobacco? Why don’t we tax alcohol? And why did we decide that we will tax only honest and conscientious “white” taxpayers, who receive a meager salary, with the military levy? An orderly, a nurse, a school cleaner, a teacher,” Poroshenko noted.
“I now want to use this broadcast to appeal to the president: Volodymyr Oleksandrovich, enshrine this law. He is unfair. It destroys the economy. I’m not saying that we need to do some revolutionary things now. Do not prevent the survivors from staying afloat,” urged Poroshenko.
“When now we actually have the continuation of the existence of all these industrial parks, investment nannies, cashbacks, on which billions and billions of hryvnias are spent, taking out of the pockets of those who honestly and conscientiously pay taxes – this is unfair. And taxes should be fair. All the more, they should be fair during the war”, – the leader of “Eurosolidarity” is convinced.
“Therefore, we request: hear the voice of all business associations without exception. There is hope for your right of veto. Make this law fair,” urged Poroshenko.